Monday, August 16, 2010

Is USB promising or threatening device ???

Since the invention of  universal serial bus (USB) format in 1994, their goal was to develop a single, power-efficient standard that could replace the growing number of the peripheral connections that cluttered the back of out PCs. Security was the farthest thing from their mind -- back then it was hardly on the minds of any IT professionals.

From the establishment of the USB 1.0 standard to the rollout of iPods and thumb drives, and all the way through the development of USB 3.0-enabled mega-storage devices, portable device innovation has always been about speed, capacity and convenience. This has meant great things for the business world, which leverages these devices for incredible productivity gains. For example, workers can now use ultra-portable flash drives to easily transfer large amounts of data between locations.They can use these same devices to store important presentation information while on the road at conferences and sales meetings. And large organizations can use vast amounts of these devices to quickly disseminate information to customers or employees by uploading to devices and distributing them to the right people.

Unfortunately, many of those gains could well be wiped out for enterprises if these devices end up as the enabling mechanism for a catastrophic data breach. Even as USB devices have evolved into useful storage media, they’ve also turned into a security nightmare for organizations.

Mention in what way USB become a threat and describe those . What measure can be taken to overcome those .

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